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EuroRec: Euroropean institute for health records

Thematic Network on Quality Labelling And Certification of EHR Systems


EHR-QTN is a Thematic Network project that prepares the health community across Europe for systematic and comparable quality assurance and certification of e-Health products, more specifically of the Electronic Healthcare Record systems. The project fits with objective 1.6 of the 2nd Call for Proposals for the CIP-ICT PSP program: "Improving certification of eHealth products", more specifically where the work program refers to the "good practice requirements as elaborated by EuroRec".

Most national health authorities are willing to improve the quality, the functionality and the interoperability of the existing systems on their market. Users of those systems would like to rely on a quality label when acquiring such an EHR system. Suppliers of the systems understand that quality assurance can even be profitable for their business.

Starting certification nevertheless requires perseverance as it is often difficult to deploy. EuroRec is offering tools to facilitate this deployment. A number of sometimes essential stakeholders on the other hand still needs to be convinced. 

This project promotes certification by organising national workshops in 27 different European countries, by validating the EuroRec functional statements (over 1.400 statements), translating a substantial set of them in over 20 different European languages and by validating the EuroRec certification tools and certification procedures. The focus functionalities of the validation and the translations to be addressed during the project will be on medicinal product prescriptions, on medication management, on summary records as well as on generic statements regarding reliability and trustworthiness of the systems and on security and access management.

The project will also deliver two complementary reports. The first report will be, for each of the countries involved, an as complete as possible EHR market overview encompassing the systems on the market and their suppliers as well as user associations and the competent authorities, possibly involved in favouring or enforcing EHR certification. The second report will document possible roadmaps to sustainable certification, be it on request of a supplier, nationally or even cross border.
Project Outcomes


Progress reports:

Deliverable 6.6:

Deliverable 6.5:

Deliverable 6.4 Report on the third Annual EuroRec Conference:

Deliverable 6.3:

Deliverable 6.2:

Deliverable 6.1:

Deliverable 5.2 Roadmap:

Deliverable 3.1 EHR Market Overview European Perspective:

Other results

Who are the beneficiaries?

European Institute for Health Records: coordinator Europe
ProRec Austria Austria
ProRec Belgium Belgium
RAMIT Belgium
ProRec Bulgaria Bulgaria
Hrvatsko drustvo za medicinsku informatiku Croatia
Cypriotic Society for Medical Informatics Cyprus
České národní fórum pro eHealth, o.s
MEDIQ A/S Denmark
Eesti E-tervise Sihtasutus Estonia
ProRec Germany Germany
Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas Greece
National Institute for Strategic Health Research - ESKI Hungary
ProRec Ireland - Irish Centre for Health Telematics Ltd Ireland
ProRec Italy Italy
CRP Henri Tudor - SANTEC Luxembourg
Stichting ProRec Nederland the Netherlands
KITH AS Norway
Marshal's Office of the Lodz Region Poland
Administraçao Central do Sistema de Saúde, I. P. Portugal
ProRec Romania - Romanian Association for Electronic Registration of Medical Data Romania
ProRec Serbia - Srpsko udruženje za elektronski zdravstveni karton Serbia
ProRec centrum Slovensko Slovakia
Ustanova - ProRec Slovenia Slovenia
Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada spain
Instituto de Salud Carlos III Spain
ProRec United Kingdom United Kingdom
Centro Poliklinika Vilnius - Lithuania Lithuania
Associated partners
Ministry for Social Policy - Malta Malta

Project Reference: 238912
Area: Objective 1.6 "Improving certification of eHealth products"
Budget: 789.000 Euro
Execution: 01/02/2009 - 31/01/2012
Contract type: ICT Policy Support Programme TN Thematic Network
Project poster

EHR-QTN is supported by the European Commission under the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme.



Georges De Moor

Jos Devlies
Tel.: +32 9 210 11 63
GSM: +32 475 266 148

Website EuroRec: