Recommendations from the panel discussion "Connecting Leaders in Technology and Healthcare" about Certification of Electronic Medical Record Systems.
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De Moor opened, on behalf of EuroRec, the 5th EuroRec Annual
Conference for more than 140 registrants. The attractive
programme enticed everyone away from the lake, reflecting
the lovely autumn sun. François
Secretary General of Eurorec, completed the introduction by describing
the EuroRec Institute and its future services (ppt). This
year’s conference
focused on Quality Labelling and Certification of EHRs in
Europe and abroad. The speakers representing Standardisation
bodies, Industry, European Commission, Academics and Hospitals
made presentations on different issues related to the conference
Purcarea (E.C.),
replacing Anne Lehouck, presented new strategies to be launched
by the European Standardisation Bodies. Gerard
Freriks (TNO)
offered the audience a tutorial about the role of the European
Standards. Alain
Maskens (Health-One)
represented the SME-industry and described the importance
of Quality Labelling and Certification for the software vendors.
The afternoon session started by Ilias
Iakovidis (E.C.) who was underlining the importance of Quality
Labelling and Certification again by raising the fact this
European initiative must support the quality of EHRs. Quality Labelling
and Certification should not become an instrument for non-experienced companies
to increase their sales by just complying with the lowest denominator
criteria (to be avoided).
An overview of the EuroRec projects was given by Georges
De Moor who mainly introduced the Q-REC project, dealing with Quality
Labelling and Certification in Europe. Knut
Bernstein (ProRec Denmark) described the preliminary list of EHR certification
criteria produced by Q-REC and methods used to compose this
Dogac (METU, SRDC, Turkey) introduced the RIDE project: “A Roadmap
for Interoperability of eHealth Systems in Support of COM 356 with Special
Emphasis on Semantic Interoperability”.
A new project, named EHR-Implement (National policies for EHR Implementation in the European area: social and organizational issues) will start in
January 2007. It is supported by DG SANCO. Laurence Esterle (INSERM, France) described that the general objective of EHR-IMPLEMENT is to collect,
analyse and compare broad scale EHR implementations among European countries and provide best practice, policy and strategic recommendations to
facilitate EHR implementation initiatives throughout Europe.
Important topics related to the above projects are archetypes and coding
schemes. The presentation of Dipak
Kalra (UCL, UK) focused on the
added-value of archetypes within EHR systems. Martin
Severs (NHS, UK) underlined the importance of SNOMED CT as a medical
coding system, while Pieter
Zanstra (Semantic Health, The Netherlands) looked into the future explaining
a roadmap for EHR-coding systems.
EuroRec’s conference ended with an active panel discussion, moderated
by Chris
Nolan (ProRec-Ireland). The theme was “Globalisation and Industry
Perspectives”. John
O’Brien (National Hospitals Office, Director, Ireland) had the honour
to open the discussion by expressing his expectations from the Process of
EHRs Quality Labelling and Certification.
The other members of the panel were:
- Ilias Iakovidis, European Commission, DG Information Society
- Georges De Moor, EuroRec
- Dennis Niebergal, Canada
- Kees Smedema, COCIR, The Netherlands
- Jean François Penciolelli, ORACLE, France
- Alain Maskens, Health One, Belgium
- Bernd Blobel, ProRec, Germany
- Ian Reinecke, Australia
EuroRec thanks speakers, other contributers and the audience for their