Announcement from the EMIF projectSign up for the IMI-EMIF symposium on April 18th in BrusselsIMI-EMIF would like to invite you to its public symposium: ‘Liberating Evidence from European Health Data – the Achievements and Challenges of a Five Year IMI Project: EMIF’ that is to be held on the 18th of April 2018 at Hotel Bloom, Brussels, Belgium. This meeting will bring together a large variety of stakeholders to discuss the value of re-using healthcare data, how the new GDPR will affect the re-use of healthcare data, how we can better involve patients, a forward projection on the evolution of the healthcare data ecosystem, etc…. A high-level version of the agenda can be found here. Throughout the day, there will be ample opportunities for networking as we bring together stakeholders from other healthcare data consortia, representatives from IMI, the European Patient’s Forum and many others. Participation in this event is free of charge, but we kindly ask you to register for the meeting online by April 1, 2018 at the latest by filling in this form. Please do not hesitate to register as spots are limited and registrations will be processed on a first come, first served basis. More information on the venue can be found here. Please do not hesitate to contact us at jpraet1@its.jnj.com for more information.
Active R&D projectsEuropean Medical Information FrameworkThe aims to develop a common information framework of patient-level data that will link up and facilitate access to diverse medical and research data sources, opening up new avenues of research for scientists. To provide a focus and guidance for the development of the framework, the project will focus initially on questions relating to obesity and Alzheimer’s disease.
C3-Cloudwill establish an ICT infrastructure enabling a collaborative care and cure cloud to enable continuous coordination of patient-centred care activities by a multidisciplinary care team and patients/informal care givers. A Personalised Care Plan Development Platform will allow, for the first time, collaborative creation and execution of personalised care plans for multi-morbid patients through systematic and semi-automatic reconciliation of clinical guidelines, with the help of Decision Support Modules for risk prediction and stratification, recommendation reconciliation, poly-pharmacy management and goal setting. Fusion of multimodal patient and provider data will be achieved via C3-Cloud Interoperability Middleware for seamless integration with existing information systems. An Integrated Terminology Server with advanced semantic functions will enable meaningful analysis of multimodal data and clinical rules. Active patient involvement and treatment adherence will be achieved through a Patient Empowerment Platform ensuring patient needs are respected in decision making and taking into account preferences and psychosocial aspects. Co-design and 4-layered multi-method multi-stakeholder evaluation will lead to a user friendly solution. To demonstrate feasibility, pilot studies will focus on diabetes, heart failure, renal failure, depression in different comorbidity combinations. Pilots will operate for 15 months in 3 European regions with diverse health and social care systems and ICT landscape, which will allow for strengthening the evidence base on health outcomes and efficiency gains. C3-Cloud adaptive patient pathways and organisational models validated by patient organisations and a clinical reference group, change management and training guidelines will be shared with the European community. Commercial exploitation of C3-Cloud integrated care solutions will be facilitated through an Industry Vendor Forum and commercial EHR/PHR products of 3 leading SMEs. NewsAnnouncement from the EMIF project ...
A call for papers for a Special Issue on ‘Biomedical Data Quality Assessment Methods’ of the journal “Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine” ...
i~HD is happy to announce that three members of the i~HD Data Quality Task Force were invited to become Guest Editors for a Special Issue on “Biomedical Data Quality Assessment Methods” in the journal ...
As the Organising Committee of the conference, we are pleased to announce that we have reached 270 registrations from a range of different stakeholders and countries. It will be a real European multi- ...
eStandards presents its Roadmap for collaborative and sustainable development of standards in its final conference. ...
EuroRec has been commissioned by the European Institute for Innovation through Health Data (i~HD) to develop a Quality Seal for Research Platforms (QS4RP). ...