Executive body
Click on the image to see CV
E-mail: dipak.kalra@eurorec.org

Dipak Kalra is a Clinical Professor of Health Informatics at University College London. He plays a leading international role in research and development of electronic health record architectures and systems, including the requirements and models needed to ensure the robust long-term preservation of clinical meaning and protection of privacy. He has led the development of CEN and ISO standards on EHR interoperability, personal health records, EHR requirements, and has contributed to several EHR security and confidentiality standards. Dipak is involved in European research on EHR system quality labelling, semantic interoperability and clinical knowledge discovery. Dipak leads a EU Network of Excellence on semantic interoperability, and a project to develop a European roadmap on patient empowerment innovations. He and his UCL team are partners in EHR4CR, an Innovative Medicines Initiative on the re-use of electronic health record information for clinical research, alongside ten global pharmaceutical companies. EuroRec is the Managing Entity of EHR4CR. Dipak is President of the EuroRec Institute and a Director of the openEHR Foundation.
Past President:
Georges DE MOOR
E-mail: georges.demoor@ugent.be
Professor Dr. Georges J.E. De Moor studied Medicine and specialised in Clinical Pathology and Nuclear Medicine at the State University
of Ghent (Belgium), where he also obtained his PhD in Medical Information Science.
He is head of the Department of Medical Informatics and Statistics at the State University of Ghent, Belgium, where he teaches Health
Informatics, Medical Statistics, Decision Theory and Evidence Based Medicine.
As president of RAMIT (Research in Advanced Medical Informatics and
Telematics), he has been involved in both European
and International Research and Development projects (+85), as well
as in Standardisation activities. For seven years,
Prof. De Moor acted as Founding Chairman of CEN/TC251,
the official Technical Committee on standardisation
in health informatics in Europe. Prof. De Moor
has also founded a number of companies of which
he is chairman or C.E.O. (e.g. MediBridge, Custodix,
In 2004, he was elected President of the European
Institute for Health Records (EuroRec). In Belgium,
Prof. De Moor chairs a number of official Committees,
among which the Health Telematics Committee of
the Belgian Ministry of Health and Social Affairs,
as well as a number of scientific and professional
Dr. De Moor is also head of the Clinical Pathology Laboratory of the St-Elisabeth Hospital in Zottegem.
He has edited seven books related to ICT in Health and published over 200 articles in scientific journals.
Secretary General :
Gerard HURL
E-mail: ghurl@ml1.net

MA, FBCS CITP, Fellow of the Irish Computer Society and the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland
National Director of ICT, Health Services Executive, the national organisation responsible for providing Health and Personal Social
Services in the Republic of Ireland.
Chairman of the Healthcare Informatics Society of Ireland and Vice Chairman of ProRec Ireland, Vice Chairman of the Irish Forum for
Health Informatics and Secretary General of the EuroRec Institute. Founder member of the HealthCare Informatics Standards Committee of
the National Standards Authority of Ireland and Irish representative on the council of the European Medical Informatics Federation (EFMI)
Lecturer in Healthcare Informatics: Institute of Public Administration, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, University College Dublin.
1996 - Overall Winner - Irish Computer Professional of the Year.
E-mail: jos.devlies@eurorec.org
José is a Medical Doctor by training, specialised in Family Medicine at the Catholic University of Leuven (1969) and in Occupational Healthcare
at the University of Ghent (1972). He has also a degree in the Management of Healthcare Data (2003).
Practising General Practitioner, full time for over 30 years, and working for several years part-time in Occupational Healthcare, especially in
the public sector, he started to be an entrepreneur. He has founded and chaired several companies, among which:
- Medizorg C.V. , a co-operative medical society founded in 1980, with now 62 members and an annual turnover of over 15 million €
- Datasoft Management N.V., founded in 1987, merged in 2002 into OmegaSoft, the largest provider of health information systems in Belgium, where
he was responsible for business development, medical research and medical quality management
He was also co-founder and Member of the Board of MediBRIDGE N.V.
He joined in 2006 the team of Professor Georges De Moor (University of Ghent) to be the medical director, addressing more specifically clinical
aspects in eHealth research and development.
José is Member of the Board of the Belgian Scientific Society for Medical
Informatics (M.I.M.), a member of Prorec Belgium vzw and
an early member of EuroRec, co-organising the first EuroRec
Annual Meeting in Paris in 1997. He is co-author of the Belgian certification
criteria for GP EHR systems.
He has always been very active in the context of the Health Telematics European Programmes and has been a member of the EU 5th Framework
Healthcare Telematics Requirements Board (DGXIII). He has also participated in several National and EU co-funded projects. Just some of them:
Euclides, Patiënt en Dossier, Intranet Health Clinic, PharmDIS, eMed, C-Care, Share, eProLearn, PharmDIS-e+ and C³, coordinating some of them.
He is actually actively involved in ePrescript and LiverDoc as well as in RIDE and Q-REC. He was generally involved in the product specification,
product design, validation and business development with a special interest for the clinical aspects of those projects.
He was a member of CEN/TC251 Working Group 1 and 2, participated in several standardisation projects e.g. on “Continuity of Care” and chaired
the project team on the identification of medicinal products (ENV12610).
E-mail: jpobrien51@gmail.com

John is on secondment from his post of Chief Executive at St. James’s Hospital, the largest Academic Teaching Hospital in Ireland as
Adviser to the CEO of the HSE on strategic issues, pertaining mainly to Hospitals. He has extensive experience in Health and Hospital
Management both Nationally and Internationally covering some 30 years. John has led and executed a large range of special interest
initiatives in the Health Sector covering areas such as Information Systems, Strategy Planning, Commissioning of major health Enterprises,
Corporate Governance and Executive systems design and large scale organisation reconfiguration and change. He has also participated as
a member of a number of Ministerial/Department of Health & Children sponsored review groups including Steering Panels for the Value for
Money Review of the Health System (Deloitte & Touche) and more recently the Audit of Structures and Functions in the Health System (Prospectus),
which report formed the basis for the Major Reform Programme at present in implementation in the Irish Health System.
John holds graduate qualifications in Economics, Political Science and Health Management and a Masters degree in Public Administration.
He also holds a Senior Lecturer position in Health Policy and Management with the University of Dublin, Trinity College. John is a Fellow
of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland and a member of the Irish Statistical and Social Enquiry Society.
In the area of quality, John has acted as Project Director of the National initiative established to develop an Accreditation Scheme for
the Irish Health System. Up to 2004, he held the position of Transitional Executive Head of the Irish Health Services Accreditation Board
(IHSAB), the Statutory Body established to, inter alia, administer this scheme. He was appointed Surveyor as part of the first wave
initiative in this area in 2000 and has led surveys in Major Academic and large group Hospitals both in and outwith Ireland
(including Canada, South East Asia, Australia etc.). He has also devised and overseen implementation of an extensive quality
programme at St. James’s Hospital in recent years.
Organisation Portfolio:
E-mail: leo.ciglenecki@siol.net

Leo Ciglenecki has over twenty years of active involvement in the informatics projects, with the last fourteen years in the sector of health
informatics. He has worked with several reputable IT companies in Slovenia and in Europe, as well as participated in the projects sponsored by
the World Bank and EC (Widenet, Q-Rec, EHR-Implement). His recent activities included projects with the Capacity building project of the Health
Insurance Fond in Serbia; the National EHR project in Serbia; Ministry of Health of Slovenia as a part of the national Health Sector Reform;
the national Health Insurance Card project with the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia etc.
He is a founder and the director of the consulting company LCI Information Engineering and of the Slovenian Prorec.SI Institution.
Services Portfolio:
Roger Wallhouse
E-mail: roger@healthsys.com

Roger Wallhouse has a career spanning over 30 years in Healthcare Informatics of which the first twenty years were as a senior executive in the International operation of Shared Medical Systems Corporation (now Siemens Medical Systems), one of the largest suppliers of EPR/EHR systems in the US and Europe. During this time he was responsible for many EPR/EHR implementations in the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Scandinavia, South Africa and the Middle East.
In 1999 he established his own consulting practice Health Systems Solutions Ltd providing strategic business services to the healthcare ICT industry and has worked closely with many of the leading EHR, Community and Medical Imaging companies both on a national and global basis.
Roger is also a non-executive director / chairman of several separate UK and Irish healthcare IT businesses with interests in clinical decision support, Telehealth, health data management and scheduling. In addition, he is a strong advocate of accreditation and quality labelling for healthcare software and devices which has involved a long standing working relationship with EuroRec and taking an active interest in EHR standards. Roger is a co-founder of Prorec UK and a director of IHE UK Ltd.

E-mail: pascal.coorevits@eurorec.org

Pascal Coorevits is Professor of Medical Informatics and Statistics at the Department of Public Health of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the Ghent University (Belgium)
and Vice President Research & Development of the European Institute for Health Records (EuroRec). He is also Director of RAMIT (Research in Advanced Medical Informatics and Telematics),
an R&D spin-off platform of the Ghent University. He teaches several courses in biostatistics and eHealth related topics. His primary research interests lie in the domain of
Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and are oriented towards various aspects of quality labelling and certification of EHRs (quality criteria, data quality characteristics, quality
labelling and certification models, tools/methodologies for EHR evaluation and conformance testing, semantic interoperability aspects, secondary use of EHR data). Through EuroRec,
RAMIT and the Ghent University he has participated in several EU -, national - and transatlantic eHealth research projects (e.g. ASSIST, EHR-Implement, EHR-Q TN, ARGOS, HITCH, Antilope,
EHR4CR, SemanticHealthNet, EURECA, EXPAND,...).

Stakeholder Relationships Portfolio:
E-mail: geert.thienpont@ramit.be

Geert Thienpont studied ICT at the Industrial State University B.M.E. GENT. Since 1992, Geert has been involved in over 30 national and international eHealth R&D projects. His daily activities, as project manager, include
i) the coordination of the development of web applications (e.g. test-based eLearning, EuroRec Use Tools on certification Process, online tools supporting research),
ii )being responsible for the budget control and financial reporting of research and commercial projects,
iii) the involvement in the Belgian EHR Certification process,
iv) the organization of scientific workshops & conferences and
v) supporting national and European scientific associations such as the Microsoft Healthcare User Group Europe (MS-HUGe), MedNet and ProRec-Belgium.
Currently, he is President and director of RAMIT (Research in Advanced Medical Informatics and Telematics (vzw-asbl); President of WHiTe3
(World of Health ICT: Education, Events and Exhibitions); Vice President and EU-Project manager of EuroRec and founding member of
(The European Institute for Innovation through Health Data).