i~HD present at the 2019 BioData World Congress in Basel

i~HD will be present at the 2019 BioData World Congress in Basel, Switzerland on December 4th & 5th. On Wednesday morning 4th December, just after the opening plenary keynote presentations, i~HD will be hosting a dedicated Round Table Session on “Advances in Data Quality Assessments of GP and Hospital EHRs for Clinical Research”. 

Geert Byttebier, Project Manager, and Juan M. Garcia-Gomez, Professor at the Polytechnic University in Valencia (UPV), both members of the i~HD Data Quality Task Force, will moderate the session, discussing topics such as advances in methodology and their applications on EHR Data Quality Assessments (DQAs), main challenges and hurdles to implement DQAs, incentives that could motivate hospitals to carry out more, and more regular DQAs, the possible Returns on Investments (ROIs) from DQAs, the real quality-sensitive uses of Real World Evidence (RWE) that should be the focus of efforts to improve Data Quality, the improvement strategies that could be the most effective or the most promising, etc.    

BioData World Congress is one of largest leading events on “Big Data & IA for Life Sciences and Healthcare” in Europe. This year’s edition will be attended by about 1700 professional delegates from all five continents and from more than 750 different organizations including prominent research institutes, universities, most top 30 pharma and biotech companies, IT-companies active in health research and health applications, start-ups, hospitals, national and international health authority agencies, charities active in medical research,  press and scientific media outlets etc.  The theme of the conference this year is “Harnessing the power of Big Data & IA in Precision Medicine”.